Samantha Geary


Employment Start Date: 2017
Job Title: Marketing Executive
Years in Marketing: 9
LinkedIn Samantha Geary
Samantha Geary


As the Marketing Executive at PCS, I focus on creating impactful content that resonates with our audience. My responsibilities include designing visually appealing web pages, crafting effective email campaigns, and creating eye-catching materials for events and social media.


Personal Achievement

My gorgeous little family of course! As cliché as it sounds, I’ve deffo won life’s lottery.


I love exploring nature during walks—whether in a peaceful country park or the enchanting woods. As autumn arrives, my husband and I enjoy foraging for mushrooms (though I’m more of a ‘mushroom spotter’ than an eater!).

Claim to Fame

I once met Dylan Hartley during my work experience at the Saints Rugby Club. At the time, I had no idea who he was.