Why Outsource Your IT Support In 2022?

Why Outsource Your IT Support In 2022?

By: Sam Geary, Marketing Executive

Having a great IT support team is essential for any business. Ensuring that you have people on hand to fix systems when there’s an emergency and keep you up to date with the latest technology to help you move forward.

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While many companies have in-house IT support, it’s becoming increasingly popular to enlist the help of an outsourced IT team. Outsourced IT actually offers a range of benefits that an in-house team just can’t provide.

So, why outsource your IT?

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Why Outsource Your Business’ IT Support?

Growing businesses can unlock their full potential by employing an outsourced IT team. Because they have a wider knowledge of the market, more scope for support when your business gets bigger, and they can give you ideas with suggestions to put you ahead.

There are also lots of other benefits of outsourced IT.

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your IT Support in 2022

Lower Expenses

When you use an in-house team, you need to spend your time and resources recruiting the IT specialists and then managing them based on performance. You are also required to pay wages, deal with pensions and provide sick pay packages.

However, with an outsourced IT team, you have none of the hassle or expenses that come with this. You will pay a fee based on the services that the outsourcer provides. This makes outsourcing much cheaper when you consider all the extra expenses to be paid when you recruit your own staff.

Increased Expertise

When it comes to the question of why outsource your IT, one of the biggest pros is the expertise that they can provide if you’re trying to grow your business.

In-house IT teams will likely stick to the systems and processes that your company has always used, simply because that’s what they know. However, an outsourced IT team will provide new ideas and broaden your IT scope.

They have experienced issues and problems with many more systems and will have a wider knowledge of troubleshooting and fixing issues. This will mean that long-term resolutions can be put in place more easily, rather than just patching.

Improve Cyber Security 

Outsourced IT teams will be experienced in working remotely. They already have the security requirements in place to pass data between you and to store data securely. They will often make this clear prior to taking out a contract.

This removes the responsibility that you have to provide and monitor the security and gives you confidence that your customers’ data is secure.

Enhance Productivity

Working with an outsourced IT team will mean that they normally have communication tools already in place. This will ensure that you’re fully up to date with any progress or changes that your outsourced IT are making and you can assign priorities to tasks.

Your outsourcer will also have more employees that they can move over to your area if there’s an emergency, meaning that your problem can be resolved much faster.

With an in-house team, you’ll have a finite number of staff and if none of these are experts on the problem, then fixing it will take much longer.

Keep Up With Latest Technology

Outsourced IT teams are much more likely to work with other clients and gain ideas and understanding from other areas which could massively benefit you moving forward. An outsourced IT team will help your growth and ensure you stay on top of the latest technology trends to meet your customers’ demands by suggesting processes that could help you based on their varied experiences. Feel free to call us or fill in our contact form if you’d like to outsource your IT.