Marketing At PCS 

By: Sam Geary, Marketing Executive

The newest superhero to join the PCS Marketing team.

Hello there, I’m Sam. I joined the Marketing department here at PCS just under two weeks ago.

I’m still getting use to a lot of things, from the Managed Services we offer to remembering names, but I’ll get there.

The jitters kicked in at about 8am, but I was worrying over nothing.

I come from a digital marketing background, more specifically SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Basically, I used white hat methods to generate more organic traffic towards websites and as a result, they ranked higher in the search engines.

This meant that the businesses using SEO received more leads and more traffic. (There’s a bit more to it than just that but I’ll share tha another time).

Although I don’t have a background in IT managed services, I do have a creative mind and a passion for Marketing so I hope this will take PCS to new heights.

From my SEO experience, I’ve learned that virtually anyone can rank high on Google. But, unless you offer products, services and information that people are specifically looking for, visitors will not become customers.

This is why I take pride in my role here at PCS. Not only because I have been given the chance to pursue a new challenge in life, but because PCS is genuinely a fantastic company and I want to convey this message in the best way possible.

I’ve been given the chance to share my opinions on the current website and I love the fact that the ideas I’ve come up with have been taken into consideration. Innovative ideas are key!

The concept of digital marketing is still very alien to a lot of businesses, but now is the perfect time to delve into Marketing.

With the recent rebranding and new website, PCS needed some snazzy new content. I’ve been given the opportunity to give the brand a personality through words. Customers want to see relevant information. When you type a query into Google, you want the first page that you land on to have an appropriate answer. 

Although some may argue, I believe that ‘Content is King’. This doesn’t mean that the more content you put on a website the more visitors you’ll get, this couldn’t be further from the truth. People and Google more specifically want content that is relevant to the search query and this is where inbound marketing comes in.

If you need a taxi or a phone repair service what’s the first thing you do? A Google search, right?  More people are doing research before they decide on a specific product or service. So, being able to point a customer to something reliable could be the difference between you getting their business or not.

Inbound marketing allows businesses to be found by customers. If you land on a page that has the information you require, you’ll be more inclined to revisit that website or get in contact with the business, right?

My point is, we as a company want to provide you with the information that you want, so you can gain more knowledge and use us as a reliable source time and time again.

I’m aware that we are a trustworthy business but it’s my job to show you by retaining your attention and putting you in the driver’s seat. Even if you decide that you don’t want any of our services we want to keep you coming back through our helpful content. For more information about inbound marketing click here to read a HubSpot blog that talks in greater detail about the methodology behind inbound marketing.

My first couple of weeks at PCS have been full of challenges that I can really get my teeth stuck into. I know that there are a lot of opportunities here when it comes to Marketing so I hope I can do the company proud in conveying their message across to customers.

That sums up my first of many blog posts, thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, share, heck… Print it off and frame it?

To find out a bit more about us as a company, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages or feel free to ask any questions by contacting us via
e-mail or phone. Remember there is no such thing as a silly question, so get in touch today.