Our GDPR Event: We came, we saw, we conquered.

By: Sam Geary, Marketing Executive

There’s just over three weeks until the May 25th GDPR deadline but if you haven’t prepared yet we can still help…

It’s been one week since our event so here’s a recap of the key areas from the day. If you’re reading this and you attended, thank you very much, the day was a complete success! If you’re reading this and you didn’t attend, you missed out. Big time.

It’s not too late to begin your GDPR journey and learn how we can help make your journey as smooth as possible from an IT point of view.

So let me take you back to the day of our event…

Although the event registrations didn’t start until 9am. The event team at PCS started their day at around 7:30am (ish) at the Marriott Hotel in Northampton.

We came prepped with everything we needed for the day… From printed material (including our snazzy new brochure), pop up stands, roller banners, technical gear, promo kit… You name It, we had it.

GDPR Event: We were well equipped for the day and ready to smash it. From arranging all the promo gear to setting the PowerPoint presentation up… Every last moment was spent making sure that everything was ready.

9-10am: The registrations kicked off. Slow to start, but they quite rapidly picked up. We were all very busy bees. We had around 90 people register for the event online and expected a 50% dropout. So, we expected around 45 people to arrive and we would have been fairly happy with this. But, fairly happy we were not. We were bloody elated. We had a grand total of 69 people attend our event and they were all eager and ready to get stuck in. Attendees were given the bits they needed at the start of the day, including the agenda and notes sheet. It was nearing 10am and after the last few people came through the doors we were ready to begin.

10- 11am: Everyone was seated, and Chris kick started the event. He did the welcome speech and covered everything from introductions, refreshments, toilets, fire exits etc. He then passed the mic to Hannah Steggles from Howes Percival Solicitors who was the first keynote speaker of the event. Hannah covered the fundamentals of GDPR from a legal point of view and really seemed to grab the attention of the attendees.

It was great seeing people jot down notes in the swanky notepads/notes sheet we provided them with at the start- it was nice to see everything play a part in making the event a success.

GDPR Event: So far, so good!

11:15am (ish): After Hannah’s talk, there was a short break where attendees were given the chance to grab a drink and mingle. This was a great opportunity for the guys at PCS to catch up with customers/prospects and have a general chat with the people who attended our event.

11:45am: After the break it was back to business, kicking off with our very own Scott– the second keynote speaker. Scotts talk went down well with the audience. It gave him a chance to focus on the IT side of GDPR and explain how PCS could help assist.

12:30 (ish): Lunchtime! We had vegetarian options and nothing contained nuts, so food wise, we were covered. In great British style, an orderly queue was formed, and after everyone collected their food, they settled down to eat with colleagues, Account Managers and other likeminded business people.

1:20 – 3:30pm (ish): After lunch the breakout sessions were ready to being. At this point, many attendees decided to change the sessions they initially signed up for. This luckily wasn’t an issue because there was enough room in each of the breakout rooms for extra people.

Before the event, attendees were asked to choose their breakout sessions online, but many decided to switch them on the day for various reasons, including the fact that the keynote speakers were very informative… So alot of people got the information they needed from these sessions. Luckily the rooms were big enough and chairs were available for the handful of people who changed their mind. It’s things like this you don’t really think about pre-event and although some things are unavoidable it’s definitely something to consider when we have future events. People are entitled to change their minds so forward thinking is very important.

The day before the event we put together some giveaway bags for attendees, we planned to give these out at the end of the event as a ‘thank you’ for attending.

We asked registries for their top size a couple of weeks before the event because we were getting some swaggy branded gym tops made for the giveaway bags. Luckily not many questioned why we were asking for their size, so the element of surprise was still there!

After we received the branded gym tops, we packed and labelled the giveaway bags with the names of the people who had provided us with their size.

Between the breakout sessions we laid these bags out on tables in alphabetical order (by ‘we’ I mainly mean we passed the bags to Claire and she laid them out and made them look pretty). Although the bags were sorted beforehand, we still needed to cater for the people who registered for the event later or didn’t provide us with their top size.

Luckily this is where forward thinking comes into play…

Luckily this is where forward thinking comes into play again. So, we had a selection of bags and spare gym tops for those who didn’t have a
pre-made giveaway.

Between breakout sessions, people started to collect their freebies and before we knew it, the sessions had finished and most of the bags had been collected. In exchange for the bags we asked attendees to make a swap for their feedback forms (there is no such thing as a freebie after all).

I’d say we received about 80% of the feedback forms back. So, if you’re reading this and you attended our event but didn’t leave us your feedback, please let us know your thoughts. It comes in very handy for future event and we also strive towards perfection so we’d appreciate any feedback, whether it’s good, bad or ugly!

The amount of positive feedback we’ve received from the attendees has been immense (we even received some great feedback from our speakers at the event) we couldn’t be happier with how smoothly everything went. From the planning to the execution, the day ran smoother than we could have imagined so we were all thrilled after it finished.

It may seem like a simple task- organising an event, but you don’t appreciate the detail until you are there, on the day, experiencing it all. It’s only then that you can really understand the complexity of an event and how forward planning is so important.

It’s been brilliant being part of something so successful. So all I can say is… bring on the next one!