Cyber Essentials: Important Changes to questions for new applications and recertification.

Cyber Essentials: Important Changes to questions for
new applications and recertification.

By: Reuben Leach, Commercial Manager

On the 1st March 2018 there has been some significant changes to the questions asked in the IASME Cyber Essentials certification process.

For those of you reading this with no knowledge of Cyber Essentials.  It is a government backed and industry approved certification which allows businesses to demonstrate that good Cyber Security practices are in place and working.  Businesses classified in the SME bracket can also qualify for £25000 worth of free Cyber Security insurance by working with PCS to become Cyber Essentials certified.


Cyber Essentials Badge

Many of the questions, which have in the past been simple Yes/No answers, now ask, when making a submission:

Describe how you achieve this, describe the process, and how do you do this?

This ultimately means that going forwards businesses will have to have to input far more evidence when applying for certification or recertification.  These changes have been implemented based on client and assessor feedback.


PCS can assist with achieving new Cyber Essentials certifications and help businesses who may now find they need some help when it comes to recertification.  We perform an audit of IT systems, provide a written report detailing where vulnerabilities or weaknesses may exist and carry out any necessary works to systems and processes to make an organisation more Cyber Safe.  Following this we can handle the Cyber Essentials application process in full – from start to finish.

Additionally, PCS can offer services such as Patch Management and Managed Antivirus which can help fulfil the criteria needed to qualify for Cyber Essentials.

Where specific industry sectors such as Accountancy and Solicitors are concerned it’s a case that their professional bodies such as the Institute for Chartered Accounts in England and Wales (ICAEW) the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Law Society all recommend Cyber Essentials as being a recognised way of evidencing good Cyber Security practice.

PCS are working with and have already been successful in helping a number of businesses achieve Cyber Essentials certification.  An example of one such business can be found here in this case study.

For about half an hour to an hour of your time, either in person or over the telephone, PCS can discuss (free of charge) how we can help your business become more Cyber Secure.  If you’re interested in working with us please drop us an email with all your details to