Cloud Backup Vs. Traditional Methods

Cloud Backup Vs. Traditional Methods

By: Sam Geary, Marketing Executive

If you have an online business or a business that stores customer data online, it’s essential to backup your systems in case of disaster. There may be situations where your company is the victim of a cyber-attack, or other issues with your CRM or other file storage systems which might mean that you lose data which is essential to running your business.

What Is Cloud Backup?

Cloud backup is a way to store all of your data away from your own servers. This gives you the opportunity to recall your data if it’s lost internally. A Cloud backup service will keep all of your information secure to prevent data breaches and means that you aren’t bound by your own system outages when errors occur.

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Cloud Backup Services vs Traditional Methods 

So, why outsource your cloud backup services? Well, Cloud backup services offer a wealth of benefits in comparison to traditional storage services.

Scalability in cloud storage is virtually infinite, allowing your company to grow without worrying about data capacity.

In terms of availability, small companies managing their own systems risk data loss due to outdated systems, viruses, or cyber-attacks.

However, with Cloud storage, your data remains safe even if internal systems fail, eliminating the need to start from scratch. This is a key advantage.

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Cloud systems typically offer more reliable security than in-house systems. Hacks could lead to data breaches.

If a customer’s data is leaked, you could face fines. Yet, Cloud systems provide safer data due to complex hacker barriers.

Considering outsourcing your Cloud backup services, offsite Cloud backup offers several benefits.

One benefit is reduced management time. You don’t need onsite IT staff for disaster recovery. External professionals, with the necessary skills, are always available.

Another benefit is cost-effectiveness. Data recovery issues often occur out of hours. Outsourcing ensures round-the-clock service at no extra cost. This is a key advantage.

Professional IT Services

Outsourcing your Cloud services will mean that your outsourced company has a wealth of skills that your in-house team may not have. They will have the capability to put more people onto a project to resolve issues. Outsourcing to professionals means they will naturally have a broader knowledge of different types of problems. This means that your problem is more likely to be resolved quickly.

Whatever your cloud based needs are, here at PCS systems we would be happy to talk through your questions and concerns about using a managed IT services. Feel free to contact us to find out more.