Change your password!

Change your password!

By: Chris McQuade, Operations Manager

One simple (& free) step could save your data. Change your password.

In 2016 over 3 Billion customer data records in high profile attacks globally. But how many smaller hacks have taken place but not hit the media? And how many of those hacks have been because people didn’t change their password to something secure? No one really knows.

With cyber-attack now being the number one concern for business downtime and with insurers looking in greater detail at how to accurately underwrite the risk presented, the business owner and decision makers need to look at how best to protect the company, its data and the people who work there.

Firewalls, Penetration Testing, Deep Forensic Analysis, Encrypted Systems, Multifactor Authentication and many more defence strategies exist which should be looked at for their Benefits vs. Risk vs. Cost but time and time again we see one simple free step being overlooked.

Businesses of all sizes have a evolving threat landscape as their users adopt more devices. We also reach further into our expectations of computing and we want our data available all of the time, anytime on all our devices. We need to stop thinking of our company PC as a workstation that sits in a locked and secure office space.

End users develop their compute functionality in spite of the IT department not because of it.

BYOD (bring you own device) and personal cloud storage are all exposed risk if not managed correctly BUT what is the linking factor? What do all of these have in common?!?


Yes it’s that simple! Change your password!

Time and time again we hear of people having Password as their password or 123 or worse still!! Nothing set.

Well it’s time you changed your password.

Employees share their passwords with colleagues or pretty much anyone that asks. So my advice is starting today, change your password. Require everyone to do that same and show them it’s important to you. Soon after this users will change all of their device passwords and their cloud account, because it didn’t seem necessary at the time because their employer didn’t think it was important. If you want to protect your business then step one is set an effective password policy. It might throw your users for a few days and no one likes change, but change soon becomes the norm. PCS can help you and our Service Desk can be primed and ready to help your users. We can even look at the bigger cyber security need but EVERYTHING starts with the end users password! No one needs to know your password if your IT is setup correctly.